Bryan and I are going to be playing Hockey again.
As a recap for those interested.
Season 1: Anaheim Ice (owned and operated by my most hated rival, the Ducks)
This was my first season of playing organized ice hockey. It was a lot of fun. We played the Rookie Division on the Maple Leafs. Two interesting things from this season, 1.) we went undefeated and won the championship, I scored a goal in the championship game. 2.) I wore an XXL jersey because I thought the number on the back was funny. (That was a mistake that won't be made again)
On a side note, after the Championship game Bryan was told he could no longer play Rookie leading us to this...
Season 2: Pasadena Ice
This season very much felt like a sophomore season, we were playing on the Isotopes and we started the season very badly. In fact one could argue the whole season was bad. The rink and ice in Pasadena was terrible, the competition was uneven and the worst thing of all we had to pay for parking for every game. I spent $70 on parking, that's dumb.
Our team while not the most talented did work the best together. As the season progressed we got better as a team show spurts of good hockey but usually it was bad. We once again ended the season playing in the championship team going up against the only undefeated team made up of all players that were playing far below their skill level. We kicked their ass in the final. I had 2 assists in the final game and it made all the crappiness of the league and playing in pasadena worth it.
Now that brings us to...
Season 3: Westminster Ice
Once again Bryan and I were looking for a place to play hockey. Not wanting to ever see Pasadena again, and Bryan unable to play rookie in Anaheim, we found Westminster Ice. (which interestingly enough is owned by the Ducks as well). Bryan and I attended the draft skate on Sunday, I realized how out of shape I am, need more cardio, and Bryan showed how good he is at making people look silly.
The end result, I was drafted to the very nicely named "Wesley Snipers". I had a whole slew of jokes/ celebrations from Blade, Drop Zone, and other Wesley Snipes classics. Bryan, however was told a very dreaded piece of news...
Hi Bryan,
Unfortunately the hockey staff do believe you are too strong for the rookie division. Attached is a refund request form. Please fill out and return and we can process your refund.
Sorry for any inconvenience
So what were two hockey loving boys to do.
Well we were given two options, refund or we get bumped up a level to Bronze. This isn't such a huge deal for Bryan he has played Bronze before. But for me I am nervous as all hell. I had a hard enough time playing against players at my own skill level I can only imagine how well I will do against players that are clearly better then me.
I let my reservations be known to the runners of the league and they spoke to our potential Bronze team captain. He was more then happy to have Bryan and I join the team.
So without future adieu, here is the schedule for Brian and Bryan's 2011 Spring Hockey Schedule...
...playing for...
the Green Danglemen (they really like puns in Westminster)
SUN 2-20 @ 6:15PM vs Beer League
SAT 2-26 @ 7:05PM vs Team Jack
SAT 3-05 @ 7:05PM vs Hockey Tron
SUN 3-13 @ 10:25PM vs USA Skates
SAT 3-19 @ 5:45PM vs 5 for Fighting
SAT 3-26 @ 7:05PM vs Beer League
SUN 4-03 @ 6:25PM vs Team Jack
SUN 4-10 @ 6:25PM vs USA Skates
SAT 4-16 @ 7:05PM vs Hockey Tron
SAT 4-23 @ 7:05PM vs 5 for Fighting
SAT 4-30 @ 4:30PM vs Beer League
SAT 5-07 @ 5:40PM vs Team Jack
So if you want to come to any of the game above we would love to see you. Jenn and Andi will be in the stands. It should be a lot of fun.
The address for the rink is below. You can see the rink from the 22 freeway.
Westminster Ice
13071 Springdale St
Westminster, CA 92683
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