Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Chalk one up for the WTF Column - House on Fire

So I'm not a smoker.  I don't know what it feels like to get the nicotine from a cigarette into my system.

But one would think, no matter what the "high" you might get from a cigarette it  isn't going to make you so "Happy" that you are going to sit on your porch smoking while your house is burning down.

WTF old guy smoking...


If anyone can give make any sense to why someone would be smoking on their porch while their house is burning down I would like to hear it.

Comment below and if it so moves you Follow my blog...


  1. No no no. You see, the house is merely a representation of the man smoking, therefore it smokes for him. It's an existential way of not getting cancer.

    It's this whole ... thing where ... I .... I got nothin'

  2. I like where you were going with it...

    Part of me thinks the guy thought it was his neighbors house on fire so he didn't really care...

    but then that would mean he is an idiot...

    either way it is a WTF
